Archive for October 30th, 2008

Links (10/30/08)

From my regular trolling of the interwebs:

A shocking alleged hate crime by those evil-doers at Fox.

Weird lego men washing up on the shores of Britian. A sure sign of the apocalypse.

Supposed diaries from the Great Depression that prove to be scarily, suspiciously prescient.

Not a link for the psychologically fragile.

Terrible porn movie ideas.

The entire cast from The Wire is campaigning for Obama in North Carolina.

New sexy Halloween costumes for women, including the ever popular Sexy Elephant man costume.

The freakish, apparently true tale of Brian Peppers — internet meme, pedophile, Toledo native.

Christian loonies worship before the golden bull of Wall Street. Literally. Isn’t this the sort of thing that brought plagues of locust in the Bible? [h/t Ted]

Did you know that some Christian dingbat has dubbed today the “Day of Prayer for the World’s Economies?” Well here they are, at the Wall Street bull statue thing, praying to Jesus for money. The dingbat has explained, “We are going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the ‘Lion’s Market,’ or God’s control over the economic systems.” Don’t they know that God taking over the economic systems would be SOCIALISM from SPACE?

And here’s a super geeky site where some Japanese guy photographed all the locations from Edward Yang‘s masterpiece A Brighter Summer Day.

And finally, a clip from Troll 2. You won’t believe how bad it is.

October 2008

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